Boxwood fig / Box Leaf Fig
( Ficus buxifolia / Ficus Lingua )
Country of Origin : West and central Africa
Bonsai Styles : Formal upright, Informal upright, group, raft, broom
Zone : 10
Ficus buxifolia is an evergreen tropical tree.
It is native to India and Malaysia, however it is now found and grown in almost every tropical region.
The leaves of this species of fig are distinctively small, leathery, dark-green, smooth-edged, blunt at the tip, and similar to those of a boxwood tree in shape. For example Japanese boxwood.
You can also learn more about other varieties of figs used to make bonsai trees.
Ficus buxifolia trees branch beautifully. It has slender, flexible, and relatively thin branches.
Dark brown bark covers the trunk and branches of this tree.
Due to its small leaves and the fact that it is naturally adapted to indoor conditions, Ficus buxifolia is an ideal tree for creating an indoor bonsai tree as well.
Furthermore, adding to its beauty, flowers grow individually (sometimes in clusters also) from the leaf axils, giving way to small, inedible fruits that are green at first but turn reddish-brown as they mature.
However, the fruits rarely ripen when the bonsai is grown in temperate climates.
This tree is ideally suited to making a small bonsai style because of the small size of its leaves.
Note : There is a lot of similarity between this plant and Ficus triangularis, but F. triangularis has much longer leaves than this plant.
Read more about other pine tree bonsai in : Bonsai tree care .
Best location to keep Boxwood fig Bonsai
It is possible to keep a boxwood fig bonsai tree indoors all year round.
It can be kept in full sun or partial shade. However, protect it from direct sunlight of mid day sun.
Despite the fact that the plant prefers a bright location, it is also able to tolerate a somewhat darker environment.
As long as the plant is allowed to acclimate gradually to its new surroundings, the plant can be moved outdoors during the summer.
You can also move the bonsai container outdoors in a sunny or partially shaded area, after the last frost in spring has passed.
As soon as the temperature drops below 59°F (15°C) in the fall, the bonsai should be brought inside again.
During the winter, it needs to be kept in a warm place.
In the winter, the bonsai container can be kept on a warm and bright south or west facing window or windowsill. It can also be placed near a radiator.
A suitable winter temperature range is between 64°F and 75°F (18°C and 24°C)
IMP: Refer sunlight requirements for indoor plants for more indoor gardening ideas. Also, refer to do bonsai trees need sunlight for more indoor and outdoor bonsai location ideas.
Propagation of Boxwood fig
Boxwood fig can be propagated by using stem cuttings.
Take the stem cutting in spring or summer. Plant it in a rooting medium. Keep the pot in a warm location with a temperature ranging between 77°F to 86°F (25°C to 30°C).
Keep it in a bright location. You should see new roots emerging in about 3 weeks.
Watering Boxwood fig Bonsai
When it comes to rubber trees, it is necessary to allow the soil to dry out before you water them again.
It is important not to keep the bonsai soil too wet at all times.
You can use normal tap water for watering the tree.
Read watering bonsai tree for more details.
Wiring Boxwood fig Bonsai
One thing which is different in this tree from other varieties of ficus trees is, its branches do not retain their flexibility for a long period of time. ( for example : Unlike this tree, Weeping ficus bonsai tree has its branches retain flexibility for a longer period of time)
Hence, it is always wise to begin the wire training as soon as possible and to maintain a regular routine.
Consistent, fairly regular and short intervals of training is advisable.
It is recommended to shape the trunk when the plant is still young in order to create a formal upright tree.
In spite of the fact that wiring can be done at any time, the best time is during the period when the plant is actively growing.
Branches that are one to two years old can be wired, but those that are older will have to be guyed down in order to be trained.
Regular inspections of the wire should be conducted, as well as the removal of any wire that has become too tight.
Pruning Boxwood fig Bonsai
When to prune Boxwood fig bonsai?
How to prune Boxwood fig bonsai?
Branches should be pruned throughout the year, if possible.
When a shoot has developed 10 to 12 leaves, it should be cut back to the first 2 or 3 leaves.
The trunk and the branches of this tree are thin. If you want to thicken the branches, let them grow until they develop 30-40 leaves. After that cut them back.
Also, prune the branches that are growing up vertically straight up.
Repotting Boxwood fig Bonsai
When to repot Boxwood fig bonsai?
Boxwood fig bonsai tree can be repotted every 2nd year. Mid-spring is a good time to repot the tree.
You can also do some root pruning if the bonsai has matured and has developed a good system. Do not remove more than 1/3rd of the root system.
You can use a free-draining, bonsai soil mix as a potting soil.
Or a mix of Sand, loam and peat moss in the ratio of 1:1:1.
Or a mix of sand, compost and clay particles in the ratio of 1:1:1.
Must Read: Bonsai Soil Recipes
Must read : Choosing the right bonsai container
Feeding Boxwood fig Bonsai
Apply liquid bonsai fertilizer every 2 weeks from spring to summer.
In the months of winter, reduce the feeding frequency to every 6 weeks.
Read more about bonsai fertilizer and its application.
Diseases and pest of Boxwood fig Bonsai
Mostly this tree is pest free, however rarely it can be infected by scale insects.
You can apply horticultural oils or Neem oil to reduce the infestation.
You can also rinse the leaves with highly diluted soapy water.
Boxwood fig bonsai care
It is sometimes possible to buy young plants at ordinary florists or in specialist shops. Boxleaf plants meant for bonsai are normally very young in the shops.
If, on the other hand, you are seeking an older specimen, it might take some time to locate it.
Boxleaf bonsai is also very suitable for making a miniature bonsai tree.
The plant will shed its foliage if it receives too much or too little water.
It is a good idea to stand the plant on a shallow tray filled with water and hygroscopic pellets if it is placed close to a radiator or another heat source. This will raise the humidity levels around the plant.
Image source : common wiki