Country of Origin : Japan and China
Bonsai Styles : Informal upright, slanting, semi-cascade, cascade, twin-trunk, clump
Zone : 6 – 10
The camellia bonsai is one of the most beautiful flowering bonsai trees. It is suitable for small- to medium-sized bonsai tree. Winter and spring are the seasons when the flowers appear.
This medium-size evergreen plant has a compact and upright growth habit.
It has almost an inch long leathery dark green glossy leaves.
Flowers range in color from white to deep red and in shape from single to formal double.
A small leaf camellia makes an excellent bonsai and is best grown in an informal, upright bonsai style.
There are many varieties of Camellia which are used for making bonsai.
- Camellia japonica : It is also known as common camellia. It is an evergreen shrub which grows well in acidic soil (lime-hating plant). It has shiny green leaves and produces white, red or pink flowers in spring.
- Camellia reticulata : It is also a lime hating evergreen plant. It produces large single or double flowers which are red or pink in color.
- Camellia sasanqua : This is a fall blooming camellia plant. Unlike many other camellia trees, these trees don’t produce any flower in spring. The flower color ranges from white, red, and pink. It is one of the smallest and most compact camellias, hence it is often used in bonsai cultivation. Also, in comparison with other camellias, it requires more protection in the winter.
Best location to keep Camellia Bonsai
During the summer, camellia bonsai can be placed outside in full sun. However, provide some shade from the sun on the hottest summer days as the hot sun can scorch the leaves.
For the growing season, a recommended temperature range of approximately 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C) is suitable.
A temperature of 55°F to 65°F (12°C to 18°C) is ideal for this camellia during the winter.
Once temperatures drop to below 50°F (10°C), bring the plant inside again.
In order for this plant to transition to indoor conditions successfully, it must be brought in early; otherwise, its flower buds may drop off.
In nature, a Camellia tree flowers when the ground is covered with snow. However, when grown in a bonsai container, protect the plant from prolonged exposure to frost.
It is important to position plants so that early morning sun does not damage frosted buds when they are outside in late winter or early spring.
In indoor settings, place it near a west or south facing window for maximum exposure of sunlight.
Protect the plant from rain as delicate blooms will also be damaged by heavy rain.
Refer sunlight requirements for indoor plants for more indoor gardening ideas. Also, refer to do bonsai trees need sunlight for more indoor and outdoor bonsai location ideas.
Propagation of Camellia
Camellia tree can be propagated by using cuttings and seeds.
Watering Camellia Bonsai
In summer, give extra water. Water regularly throughout the growing season.
It is also important to keep the compost moist during the winter.
Bud drop occurs when the bonsai soil is too dry.
Read watering bonsai tree for more details about immersion technique.
Wiring Camellia Bonsai
Branches of the camellia are excessively brittle, and they tend to grow straight and upright.
It is best to wire the tree when it is very young or when a cutting is pliable, in order to develop a pleasing shape.
When the branches grow woody but before they become brittle, apply wires to prevent them from breaking.
Copper or aluminium wire can be used to train branches that are up to the thickness of a pencil.
Wire can be applied at any time except in the early spring.
Raffia should be used under the wire to protect the branches from scaring.
It is possible to keep wires on the tree for a couple of years.
Pruning Camellia Bonsai
When to prune Camellia bonsai?
How to prune Camellia bonsai?
Camellia bonsai tree should be pruned gently after flowering.
Deadhead the plant to remove the spent flowers, then prune back to one or two buds from the previous season’s growth.
The shoots that will bear flowers next spring will be removed if you prune during summer.
For young camellia bonsai tree, allow new growth to develop up to four sets of leaves in spring, retaining two sets of leaves and active buds at the base.

Camellia bonsai trees don’t like hard pruning and won’t sprout new growth from buds that sit farther back on mature, or woody, branches.
Pinching Camellia Bonsai
The growing tips of new shoots should be pinched out as they emerge.,
However, avoid pinching after midsummer.
Repotting Camellia Bonsai
When to repot Camellia bonsai?
Camellia tree should be replanted every two or three years, in the early spring or soon after they bloom.
Don’t remove more than ten percent of the very fine feeder roots when pruning back the roots.
In order to grow camellias, you need to plant them in a soil that is free of lime (ericaceous).
You can use a free-draining, lime free bonsai soil mix. It is good if the soil mix contains sphagnum peat or ericaceous compost.
You can also make a soil mix of loam, sharp sand and sphagnum peat (or ericaceous compost) in the ration of 2:1:1.
Must Read: Bonsai Soil Recipes
Must read : Choosing the right bonsai container
Feeding Camellia Bonsai
Use a balanced fertilizer once a week at half strength.
In winter, reduce frequency to once every two to three weeks.
Once a month, fertilize camellias with an acidic fertilizer at half strength.
Fertilize with a high-nitrogen fertilizer immediately after flowering.
Read more about bonsai fertilizer and its application.
Diseases and pest of Camellia Bonsai
Vine weevils are particularly harmful to camellia trees. During repotting, check the soil thoroughly and water nematodes into the soil in late spring.
Also, aphids can cause problems, and the honeydew they secrete sometimes develops sooty mold.
Clean the leaves by spraying them with water and apply a systemic insecticide.
Camellia bonsai care
Make sure the bonsai soil is not alkaline. If the soil is alkaline, the leaves will turn yellow and the plant will die.
What to look for when buying Camellia Bonsai
Nursery plants with trunks larger than half an inch should be avoided unless they show good curvature and will not need wire training.