Table of Contents
Background of Integrated Farming Systam (IFS)
To understand integrated farming system, lets first have an understanding of farming system.
Farming System
The term “Farming system” is used to describe an agricultural system that preserves land productivity, environmental quality, and maintains a desirable level of biological diversity and ecological stability. Rather than on the gross output, the emphasis is placed mainly on the system.
A farming system consists of a variety of farm enterprises, including: cropping systems, horticulture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, poultry and the means available to the farmer to raise them profitably.
As a result, it interacts with the environment appropriately without disrupting the ecological and socioeconomic balance on the one hand, while simultaneously achieving the national goal on the other. In its real sense, the farming system can help in many ways to lift the economy of agriculture and standard of living of the farmers in general.
Farming system is a mix of farm enterprises such as crop, livestock, aquaculture, agro forestry and fruit crops to which farm family allocates its resources in order to efficiently manage the existing environment for the attainment of the family goal.
Farming system is a resource management strategy to achieve economic and sustained agricultural production to meet diverse requirements of farm livelihood while preserving resource base and maintaining a high level of environment quality.
Farming system research (FSR)
In early farming system, the agricultural research focus was on how to increase specific crop yields.
It became increasingly apparent that reductionist, command-and-control approaches to agricultural research were unproductive, especially when it became evident that farms are far more heterogeneous than previously thought.
Farming system research was then consciously switched to “people-centred learning process” rather than the earlier “technological blueprint” approach.
Instead of just providing technology for greater yields, the scientists also started to work on how the inter-dependency of various elements of a farming system (such as crops, animal husbandry, manure, fishery, soil management etc) can be established and can be used for more sustainability and profit. Scientist also started working on how different aspects of a farming system can be intertwined in different eco systems and geographical locations.
The farming system research activities should be farmer-oriented, system-oriented, problem-solving, inter-disciplinary, complement the mainstream disciplinary research, test the technology in on-farm trials, and provide feedback to the farmers.
The “Farmer First and Last” (FFL) model is an alternative to the “Transfer of Technology” model (TOT), since it is based on the farmer’s perceptions and priorities rather than on the scientist’s professional preferences.
Introduction to integrated farming system
Agricultural practices such as the liberal use of inorganic pesticides and fertilizers during the twentieth century enhanced productivity significantly, but undesirable environmental degradation and increased operational costs in agriculture raised concerns about the economic feasibility and sustainability of agriculture.
Approximately 75% of the adversely affected households reside in rural areas of developing economies whose livelihood is directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture.
As in India, the average farm size is shrinking and there are financial constraints for higher investment in agriculture due to 80% of farm families belonging to the small and marginal farmer categories. Pollution from unsustainable farming threatens the livelihoods of millions of small farmers.
To increase income and food and nutrition security in developing countries, it is essential to strengthening agricultural production systems for greater sustainability and economic returns. Hence, the concept of integrated farming is introduced.
What is integrated farming ?
Integrated farming system(IFS) is subset of Farming system research(FSR). An integrated farming system is an eco-friendly approach that turns waste from one enterprise into nutrients for another, thereby maximizing the use of resources from the farm.
IFS is acomponent of Farming System Research (FSR), introduces a change in the farming techniques for maximum production in the cropping pattern and takes care of optimal utilization of resources.
It is the scientific integration of different interdependent and interacting farm enterprises for the efficient use of land, labour and other resources of a farm family which provide year-round income to farmers specially located in the handicapped zone.
integration is made in such a way that the product i.e. output of one enterprise / component should be the input for the other enterprises with high degree of complementarity effects.
The rationale of IFS is to minimize the wastes from the various sub systems on the farm and thus it improves employment opportunities, nutritional security and income of the rural people.
The farm wastes are better recycled for productive purposes in integrated farming system.
“there is no waste”, and “waste is only a misplaced resource which can become a valuable material for another product”
Difference between mixed farming and integrated farming
The activities in an integrated farming system are mutually supportive and interdependent. Whereas, mixed farming systems consist of components such as crops and livestock that coexist independently.
The purpose of combining crops and livestock in mixed farming is primarily to minimize risks, not to recycle resources. While in an integrated farming system, crops and livestock cooperate to create a synergy, with recycling allowing the maximum use of available resources.
Crop residues can be used for animal feed, while livestock and livestock byproduct production and processing can enhance agricultural productivity by intensifying nutrients that improve soil fertility, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers.
the distinction between the integrated farming system and the commercial farming system is not absolute, but is rather a matter of the degree of integration of resources in the farm system.
Why Integrated Farming System is needed?
- Shrinkage in area under cropping : As a result of urbanization, industrialization, population growth, and the construction of buildings and highways, the area under cropping is declining daily. Consequently, the land’s carrying capacity per unit of capital has sharply declined. In 2030 and 2050 AD, India’s population is expected to reach 137 and 166 crores, respectively, while its cultivable land will shrink to 141.3 and 131.3 million hectares.
- Small & Fragmented holding : Over 80% of India’s operating farms are smaller than 1 hectare, and the average holding of a farm has been declining.
- Seasonal nature of income & employment & out-migration : Rainfed areas are only permitted to harvest for four months during the rainy season. In other seasons, employment opportunities are scarce. As a result, many male farmers migrate to cities in search of employment. Rural areas should have year-round employment opportunities to prevent migration.
- Deterioration of resource base : The ultimate goal of sustainable agriculture is to preserve the human population for a longer period of time. The ideal way to achieve this is to find the most efficient means of utilizing internal inputs for sustainable crop production & livestock production that results in a profitable return on investment.
- Household requirement : If every citizen in the state has access to a minimum quality range of food ingredients such as an adequate & balanced diet, then the state or nation has accomplished food & nutritional security. Timber production from small and marginal farmers also plays a vital role in satisfying the diverse needs of a household.
Principles of Integration Farming system
- High quality food, fibre, fodder, and industrial raw materials should be produced in sufficient quantities
- The system should meet the needs of society
- A viable farming business should be maintained by the system
- The environment should be protected by the system
- The system should ensure the sustainability of natural resources
Factors determining implementation of Integrated Farming System
- Soil and climate feature of selected area.
- Availability of the resources, land labor and capital.
- Present level of utilization of resources.
- Economics of proposed integrated farming system.
- Managerial skill of farmer.
Factor determining Nature and Size of Enterprises in Integrated Farming System
- Size of the farm
- Available marketing facilities
- Climate of the area
- Available and access to technologies
- Condition of soil and soil type
- Credit felicities (government aid)
- Farmers knowledge and skill level
Advantages of Integrated Farming System
- Productivity : As a result of the intensification of crop and allied enterprises, IFS improves space utilization and enables greater economic productivity per unit area per unit time. Using cover crops and organic compost, the system improves soil fertility and soil physical structure. In addition, crop rotation reduces weeds, insect pests, and diseases. System productivity is also rejuvenated by IFS.
- Profitability : Use of waste material of one enterprise in another enterprise as an input greatly reduces the cost of operations. The benefit to cost B/C ratio is increased.
- Sustainability : It becomes possible to supplement the soil organically by utilizing by-products of linked components, thus sustaining the potentiality of the production base for much longer periods of time. By avoiding deforestation, IFS promotes ecosystem sustainability.
- Balanced Food : Enables the farmer to produce diversified product which results in availability of different sources of nutrition. Hence, food & nutritional security is achieved.
- Environmental Safety : The IFS system effectively recycles waste materials by integrating appropriate components, thereby minimizing environmental pollution and maintaining agroecological balance.
- Recycling : In integrated farming system, crop residues, livestock wastes, and other unused resources can be effectively recycled.
- Adoption of New Technology : Financial independence gained by increasing profit enables the farmer to afford and adopt new technologies.
- Saving Energy : IFS effectively reduces the excess dependence on fossil fuel as a source of energy by providing alternate fuel sources as a byproduct of various enterprises in the system. Example biogas.
- Meeting Fodder Crisis : Perennial legume fodder trees can be grown on the boundaries of the farm. These legume trees not only fix nitrogen for the field but also provide quality fodder for animals.
- Solving Fuel and Timber Crisis : Production of fuel and industrial wood is achieved by IFS. This also reduces deforestation and assists in preserving natural ecosystem.
- Employment Generation : A combination of agricultural and livestock enterprises would increase the demand for labour and increase employment opportunities.
- Agro-industries : The high output of agricultural products in IFS also greatly increase the development of agroindustries and agrobusinesses in the country.
- Increasing Input Efficiency : The input efficiency in this farming system is considerably increased as the dependence on outside inputs such as fertilizers, feed, agro chemicals and energy is reduced.
- Income Rounds the year : Due to various enterprises in IFS, the farmer earns income round the year. This positively effects the farmers lifestyle components such as food, shelter, health and education.
Components of integrated farming system
The components of integrated farming system can be divided into four major categories.
(A) – CROP
Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fruits, Vegetables, Spices, Plantation crops, Flowers, Fodder/forage crop, Agro-forestry, Sugarcane, Fibre crops
(B) – Livestock & Poultry
Cattle, Buffalo, Pig, Goat, Sheep, Chicken, Duck
(C) – Fishery
Composite fish, culture, Fingerling production,Paddy cum fish culture
(D) – Secondary Agriculture
Bee keeping, Mushroom cultivation, Food processing, Vermicomposting, Biogas production, Azolla cultivation, Sericulture, Moriculture
It is possible to develop an integrated farming system by integrating the four above components (A+B, A+C, B+C, A+D, B+D, C+D, A+B+C, A+B+D, A+C+D, B+C+D, A+B+C+D).

Crops, livestock, fisheries, and secondary agricultural activities are chosen according to farmer preferences, agroclimatic conditions, technology, and marketing facilities.
Types of Integrated Farming Systems based on different enterprises
- Crop-livestockfarming system (CLFS)
- Crop-livestock-fish farming system (CLFFS)
- Crop-livestock-poultry-fish farming system (CLPFFS)
- Crop-poultry-fish-mushroom farming system(CPFMFS)
- Crop-fish – poultry farming system(CFPFS)
- Crop-livestock-fish-vermicomposting farming system (CLFVFS)
- Crop-livestock-forestry farming system(CLFFS)
- Agri-silvi-horticulture system (ASHS)
Types of Integrated Farming Systems based on Agro Eco-System
Depending on the ecosystem, integrated farming system can be broadly categorized in four classes:
- Irrigated low and uplands.
- Rainfed and dryland areas.
- Hill regions.
- Island
(i) Irrigated upland integrated farming system
Because of the controlled irrigation system, a wide range of crops and varieties can be grown. A better control and management of available resources paves the way for the integration of two or more components with cropping. As compared to lowlands and rainfed lands, irrigated uplands have a larger variety of components options.
The components of an irrigated upland farm, such as dairy, poultry, goats, sheep, pigs, mushrooms, apiaries, pigeons, and rabbits, can be easily integrated. In addition to perennial trees such as coconuts and other fodder trees, multi-purpose farm forestry trees can be grown along the boundaries of the fields and the farm.
Irrigated Upland integrated farming system examples
- Crop + Dairy + Biogas unit.
- Crop + Poultry + Biogas unit.
- Crop + Sheep / Goat rearing + Biogas unit.
- Crop + Sericulture.
- Crop + Piggery.
(ii) Irrigated Lowland integrated farming system
Rice is the main crop in our lowlands. In this ecosystem, bananas, sugarcane, and coconuts are also grown. Fish, poultry, duck, and mushrooms can all be part of an integrated farming system in the lowlands. Because of the abundance of available water, it is considered less risky to grow food on low land (wetlands). Additionally, lowland soils are generally heavy-textured and relatively fertile.
Irrigated Lowland integrated farming system examples
- Rice + Fish + Azolla
- Rice + Fish + Poultry
- Rice + Fish + Poultry -Mushroom
- Crop + Pigeon + Goat
- Crop + Piggery + Duck
(iii) Rainfed and Dryland integrated farming system
The dryland ecosystem has Inadequate and uneven distribution of rainfall, Poor and marginal soils, Low cropping intensity, Limited crop diversification, Low value crop.
People are without jobs for the remainder of the year because the cropping season is limited to 4-5 months. Through diversification of cropping by integrating components like livestock (Sheep/Goat rearing), silviculture, horticulture tree crops, and pastures, dryland farmers can improve their standard of living and employment opportunities.
Rainfed and Dryland integrated farming system examples
- Crop + Goat
- Crop + Goat + Agro forestry
- Crop + Goat + Agro forestry +Horticulture
- Crop + Goat + Agro forestry +Horticulture + Farm Pond
- Crop + Goat + Buffalo + Agro forestry + Farm Pond
(iv) Hilly Regions integrated farming system
Generally, this system is practised in hilly regions at high altitudes, where it is not possible to build terraces or irrigation channels across the slope. This system integrates forest, agriculture, livestock, and fisheries with a solid foundation for soil and water conservation.
Rainwater is collected in a pond with seepage control from protected hilltop slopes. There are several points where sediment retention tanks are constructed before runoff water enters the pond. The cultivation is wholly dependent on the amount of water in the pond.
Hilly Regions integrated farming system examples
- Agriculture + Horticulture
- Agriculture + Horticulture + Livestock
- Agriculture + Horticulture + Fisheries +Livestock
- Agriculture + Horticulture + Silviculture
- Agriculture + Horticulture + Livestock
- Agriculture + Livestock
(v) Island integrated farming system
Models of integrated farming systems have been developed for the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Island integrated farming system examples
- Coconut + cum + fodder + cum + milch cattle
- Coconut + cum fish culture in salt affected lands
- Fruits + fodder + milch cattle
- Cocunut + cum + fodder + cum + fish or prawn culture
Examples of Integrated Farming System Models
Farming system | Land used for different enterprises (hectares) | Area (hectares) | Description |
Broiler chicken- Crop- Fish- Duck- Horticulture- Nitrogen fixing hedge row | Pond - 0.15 Pond dyke - 0.03 Duck shed - 0.016 Broiler shed - 0.006 Field crop - 0.75 | 1.06 | In upland area, ragi (0.18 ha), maize (0.30 ha) and rice bean (0.12 ha) followed by ginger and turmeric. In lowland area: Paddy (0.65 ha) and mustard 0.30 ha were cultivated. During rabi season potato, tomato, cabage, knol khol and radish were cultivated. Nitrogen fixing shrubs were planted on contour bunds, fodder grasses and fruit trees were raised on pond dykes and farm boundaries. Ducks were reared (72 Nos) on pond dykes. Composite fish culture was practiced and 900 fingerlings were stocked. |
Crop- Fish- Poultry- Multipurpose trees | Pond - 0.12 Pond dyke - 0.04 Poultry shed - 0.01 Field crop - 0.80 | 0.97 | In upland area, Paddy (0.45 ha) and rice bean (0.05 ha) during Kharif and buckwheat (0.50 ha) in rabi season was cultivated. In lowland area: Paddy (0.30 ha) in Kharif and potato (0.25 ha) and french bean (0.05 ha) were cultivated. Fodder grasses and fruit trees were raised on pond dyke and farm boundaries. Layer bird (52 nos.) were raised on pond dykes. Composite fish culture was practiced and 720 fingerlings were stocked. |
Crop- Fish- Goat- Multipurpose trees- Hedge rows | Pond - 0.10 Pond dyke - 0.035 Goat shed - 0.008 Field crop - 0.80 Hedge row - 0.10 | 1.04 | In upland area, Paddy (0.30 ha), ginger (0.30 ha), turmeric (0.20 ha) during kharif and mustard (0.30), tomato (0.40 ha) and radish (0.10 ha) during rabi season were grown. Fodder grasses, MPTs and fruit trees were cultivated on pond dike and farm boundary. Goats (6 nos) were reared on pond dyke. Composite fish culture was practiced and 600 fingerlings were stocked. |
Crop- Fish- Pig- Bamboo- Multipurpose trees- Fruit- trees- Hedge rows | Pond - 0.12 Pond dyke - 0.035 Pig shed - 0.001 Field crop - 0.80 Hedge row - 0.09 | 1.05 | In upland area, Paddy (0.30 ha), colocasia (0.10 ga) and maize (0.40 ha) during kharif and brinjal (0.10 ha), radish (0.05 ha), potato (0.30 ha) and buck wheat (0.15 ha) during rabi season were cultivated. MPTs and fruit trees were raised on pond dykes and farm boundaries. Edible bamboo species were also cultivated on farm boundary. Hedge row rows were planted on contour bunds. Vermicompost was prepared in two units each of 12’ x 6’ x 2’ size. Pigs (2 Nos) on pond dykes. Composite fish culture was practiced and 720 fingerlings were stocked. |
Crop- Fish- Dairy- Multipurpose trees- Fruit- trees- Hedge rows- Vermiculture- Liquid manure- Broom | Pond - 0.12 Pond dyke - 0.06 Dairy shed - 0.016 Field crop - 0.80 Hedge row - 0.17 | 1.17 | In upland area paddy (0.60 ha) was cultivated. Broom grass (0.10 ha) and job’s tear (0.10 ha) were cultivated along the water channels. MPTs and fruit trees with fodder grasses were raised on pond dyke and farm boundary. Cattle ( 2 milch cows and 2 calves) was reared. Oyster mushroom was cultivated in 8 m x 3 m x 2.5 m size unit. Liquid manure was prepared in 3 units 3’ x 3’ x 2.5’ capacity. Vermi- composting was done in 6 units of 1 m x 1 m x 0.75 m. Composite fish culture was practiced in the ponds. Composite fish culture was practiced and 720 fingerlings were stocked. |
Upland crops, and fish farming without integration (control) | Pond - 0.10 Pond dyke - 0.05 Crop area - 0.80 | 0.95 | In upland area, paddy (0.40 ha) and maize (0.40 ha) during khraif season and buck wheat (0.20 ha) and frenchbean (0.30 ha) were grown. Fruit trees were grown on pond dyke. Composite fish culture was practiced and 600 fingerlings were stocked. |
With 2.2% of the global geographical area, India is home to more than 15% of the total world population, with 70% of them dependent on agriculture. Out of 328.73 million ha of geographical area, approximately 18% is under forest; only 13.5 per cent is not suitable for cultivation.
Total problem areas constitute 173.65 million ha which incorporates areas subject to wind and water erosion (145 million ha), water-logged areas (8.53 million ha), alkali soils (3.58 million ha), saline and coastal sandy areas (5.50 million ha), ravines and gullies (3.97 million ha), shifting cultivation (4.91 million ha) and reverie torrents (2.73 million ha).
It appears that integrated farming systems are the answer to the problem of increasing food production, increasing income, and improving nutrition for small scale farmers with limited assets, without negatively impacting agro Eco-system.
Even though integrated farming has now been proven to be highly profitable, its practice remains limited in scope. It is due to the fact that farmers are unable to access information and technology about methods of diversification. There needs to be a link between the farmers and information sources in order to tackle this problem. There is a need for a multidisciplinary approach that includes technological, economic, social, and political components. However, such an approach must be relevant to economic, social, and environmental conditions as well as to the needs of the farmers.