(Punica granatum)
Country of Origin : Eastern Mediterranean, South Asia
Bonsai Styles : Informal upright, semi-cascade, twin trunk, group, raft, root-over-rock
Zone : 8 – 10
Punica genus has two species. However, only Punica granatum is used to make a pomegranate bonsai tree.
Punica granatum is widely grown for its fruit and flowers.
It is a semi-deciduous tree, which means that although it will rest a little in winter, it wont completely stop growing. As long as the temperature remains high enough, its metabolism can continue to function slowly.
The leaves of this plant are narrow, glossy, bright green and tipped with bronze or red when they first appear. Its flowers are orangish red – pink in color. It produces leathery pomegranate fruits that are yellow to brownish red in color.
In young plants, the bark is smooth and buff to brown, but as the trees mature, the buds acquire a stringy texture. Besides the flowers, the bark of the pomegranate is its most attractive feature.
Roots and branches are connected by main ‘veins’, which swell more rapidly than the rest of the bark. As a result, the bark surrounding the veins dies. The result is a bonsai tree that looks gnarled and ancient.
It also has a dwarf variety called Punica granatum var. ‘Nana’. This dwarf variety is mainly grown for its tiny fruits and stunning orangish pink flowers. For more details read dwarf pomegranate bonsai tree.
Read more about other bonsai trees in : Bonsai tree care
Best location to keep Pomegranate Bonsai
Pomegranate bonsai tree should be kept in full sun as much as possible.
Full sun will enable the tree to produce flowers.
An ideal temperature range for the plant to produce fruits is 55 to 61°F (13-16°C). This is also a good temperature range to keep your Pomegranate bonsai tree evergreen.
The plant can even withstand a temperature of 32°F (0°C) for a brief period of time. However, try to keep it in place with temperatures above 41°F (5°C). Also, protect the tree from cold winds.
Too much warmth in the winter will cause plants to develop weak, wilting shoots.
In indoor settings, in summer keep it in a sunny location.
The bonsai pots should be shaded from the sun through glass during the hottest months of the year to prevent the roots from ‘cooking’.
Refer sunlight requirements for indoor plants for more indoor gardening ideas. Also, refer to do bonsai trees need sunlight for more indoor and outdoor bonsai location ideas.
Propagation of Pomegranate
Pomegranate tree can be propagated by using softwood cuttings in mid summer.
It can also be propagated by sowing stratified seeds in spring.
Watering Pomegranate Bonsai
Water the bonsai through out the growing season. Also, spray some water on the leaves in summer.
Water plentiful when the plant starts flowering. This will also help in fruiting. (At this time the water consumption of the plant increases).
Reduce the watering frequency in winter but keep the bonsai soil moist. Also, reduce the watering when the plant drops its leaves.
Using rainwater whenever possible will be beneficial for the plant.
Read watering bonsai tree for more details about immersion technique.
Much like most of the bonsai trees, watering frequency of pomegranate bonsai also depends on the surrounding temperature.
In winter, if the temperature stays close to 64 to 68 °F (17 to 20°C), leaves will remain on the tree. Dropped leaves will also be replaced shortly by new ones. At this time, the tree will need more water. Not just because of the leaves and growth, but also because more water is lost through evaporation.
In contrast, when the temperature drops below 41 to 45°F (5 to 7°C), leaves fall and cannot be replaced until spring arrives. At this time, the water requirements are less.
Wiring Pomegranate Bonsai
You can wire the branches from late spring to summer.
Wires can be left on the plant for almost an year.
Pomegranates have very brittle branches, even when quite young. New shoots should be wire-trained while they are still green and pliable.
If the wire training angles are too sharp, the inner tissue will be crushed and the shoot will die.
Pruning Pomegranate Bonsai
When to prune Pomegranate bonsai?
How to prune Pomegranate bonsai?
Spring is the time to prune unwanted branches.
Following flowering, hard prune all branches to maintain the desired branch structure, and let new shoots grow unhindered until flower buds appear on shorter, non-extending branches.
Pruning the longer shoots to a level where they have no more than two or three leaves is safe at this point.
Next year’s flowering shoots will emerge from these stubs.
Pinching Pomegranate Bonsai
Flowers bloom on short shoots that emerge from last year’s growth. Pinch only those shoots that are overextending during flowering. If you pinch during any other period, flowering may be compromised.
Hence, avoid pinching during summer.
Repotting Pomegranate Bonsai
When to repot Pomegranate bonsai?
Pomegranate bonsai tree can be repotted in early spring. Repotting will depend on the development of the roots.
Young trees can be repotted every 2 years.
Mature trees (about 10 years old) can be repotted in 3-5 years. Use a deep container.
You can use a basic free-draining bonsai soil mix as a potting soil.
You can also use a soil mix consisting of 50% grit and 50% organic matter.
You can also use a mix of sharp sand and loam (or akadama) in the ration of 1:2.
Must Read: Bonsai Soil Recipes
Must read : Choosing the right bonsai container
Feeding Pomegranate Bonsai
During the growing season, apply a balanced feed every week until flowering begins.
Resume feeding the bonsai after flowering is complete with a low-nitrogen fertilizer.
During winter, if the tree still has leaves, apply a weak dose of slow-release balanced feed or a nitrogen free feed at half strength.
Apply a low-nitrogen fertilizer to your pomegranate tree all summer and as long as the tree remains in leaf into fall or winter.
Read more about bonsai fertilizer and its application.
Diseases and pest of Pomegranate Bonsai
Pomegranate bonsai trees can be attacked by aphids, white-flies and scaled insects. Try to remove them manually or you can use a systemic insecticide.
Aphids can also be removed by a jet of water.
Yellowing leaves may be caused by too much lime in the soil or water.
Regular spraying of a systemic insecticide is a good idea to prevent the start of any pest infestation.
Pomegranate bonsai care
Do not allow moss to grow around the base of old plants. Old plant trunks rot easily.
Ample water is needed for pomegranate bonsai trees. During the ripening of fruits, you will need to adjust the amount of water according to the tree’s requirements. By experience you will be able to read the signals of the tree better.
What to look for when buying Pomegranate Bonsai
Few things you can look for when making a purchase of Punica granatum bonsai are – consistent spread of the root system and an interesting trunk.
Try and pick a specimen with a curved trunk as it will look more natural and aesthetic.
Also, it is best to buy pomegranate bonsai when it is in its flowering stage. This will help you in confirming the color of the flowers.