Home » Safeda / Eucalyptus Tree Plantation and cultivation
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Safeda / Eucalyptus Tree Plantation and cultivation


This article will not only describe the ways to start Safeda tree / Eucalyptus tree farming business (eucalyptus plantation in india), but also factors associated with it such as cost, profit and maintenance. Safeda tree farming, much like Sagwan tree farming, is one of the most profitable agricultural businesses. I will share all the information and best practices to be used, so that the yield of the crop can be maximized and maximum revenue can be generated. So, without wasting any time, lets dive into the topic.

Eucalyptus tree in hindi : Safeda, Nilgiri, liptis ka ped , lipstick ka ped

Safeda / Eucalyptus tree in India

Safeda tree also known as Eucalyptus is a native tree to Australia and Tasmania. It’s an evergreen hardwood. It is locally also known as “nilgiri” or “gumtree”. We will discuss the different types and scientific names in the next coming section of the article. It has got following properties:

Tree Size150 – 180 Ft (45.7 – 54.9 m)
Trunk diameter4 – 7 Ft (1.2 – 2.1 m)
Janka Hardness1,125 lbf (5000 N)
Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC)0.68, 0.93 (depending on the species)
Crushing Strength62 MPa
Modulus of Rupture110 - 115 MPa
Elastic Modulus8.06 – 12.9 GPa (depending on the species)
ShrinkageRadial – 2.48%, Tangential: 5.73%, T/R Ratio: 2.48
OdourMild Minty and faint sweet
Termite HazardThough eucalyptus oil repels termites, but still termite is able to damage the tree
WorkabilityMedium, tends to bend or warp
GrainConsistent, straight grain, with occasional occurrence of interlocked or waved grain
SustainabilityNot listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Required growth densityNo particular requirements
DurabilityExcellent, resistant to rot and decay, Oil content makes it repel moisture
Type of WoodHardwood
Other namesNilgiri tree, gum tree, mallee, ironbark, ash
Sources and countries grownAustralia, New Guinea, Indonesia, Philippines, America, Europe, Africa, China, Indian subcontinent
Average life span  250 years
UsesMedicines, timber, fencing, furniture

Types of Safeda Trees / eucalyptus tree

Based on Scientific name

Botanical name of nilgiri

Scientific NameFlower ColourSpecial FeaturesMature Size (Feet)LightSoilWater Requirement
Eucalyptus cinereaWhiteDrought tolerant50Full SunWell-drainedLow
Eucalyptus DegluptaWhite, yellowMulti-coloured rainbow bark240Full sunWell-drainingMedium
Eucalyptus DalrympleanawhiteRoyal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit70Full Sun, partial shadeAcidic, neutralMedium
Eucalyptus CocciferaWhitePeppermint Aroma50Full SunFertile, acidicMedium
Eucalyptus paucifloraWhiteRoyal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit50Full SunFertile, acidicMedium
Eucalyptus pauciflora subspecies NiphophilaWhiteWell adopted to cold weather25Full SunWell-drained, acidicLow, Medium
Eucalyptus RubidaWhiteClassified as vulnerable species100Full SunFertile, well-drainedMedium
Eucalyptus pauciflora subspecies DebeuzevilleiWhiteFound on Mountain peaks30Full SunFertile, well-drainedMedium
Eucalyptus PerrinianaWhitementhol-like Aroma30Full Sun, partial shadeAcidicMedium
Eucalyptus NicholiiWhitePeppermint Aroma50Full Sun, partial shadeWell-drainedMedium
Eucalyptus GunniiWhiteRoyal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit70Full Sun, partial shadeFertile, acidicLow - Medium

Based on local Indian Safeda tree variety

  • FRI 4
  • FRI 5
  • FRI 6
  • Hybrid P-36
  • Eucalyptus Tereticornis (Mysore Gum)
  • Eucalyptus globules
  • Eucalyptus camaldulensis
  • Eucalyptus citriodora

Use of Safeda wood / eucalyptus wood

  • Safeda leaves are used to make medicines for some ailments
  • Manufacture plywood
  • Raw material to make paper
  • Small wooden boxes
  • Furniture
  • Fencing
  • Safeda leaves are used to make Eucalyptus oil
  • Honey bee farming can also be done in Safeda/Eucalyptus farm
  • Eucalyptus Tannin is extracted from the tree which is used for dyeing of leather
  • Botany Bay kino extracted from tree is also used in medicines, body tanning and dyeing
  • Scent is extracted to make air freshners
  • Charcoal
  • Poles

Money/profit earned by farming Safeda tree / eucalyptus tree

What is eucalyptus plantation profit ?

Farming and agribusiness of Safeda can be profitable. Eucalyptus plantation profit and revenue depends on the time of harvest, season and off-season and age of the tree.

Depending on the spacing between the trees, you can try and get the maximum yield possible. There are different spacing schemes which are followed while planting the trees. Assuming the cost of the plant to be 10 rupees (2021 rate), let’s try and calculate the cost of buying plants:

Spacing SchemeNo. of Trees (approx.)Avg. plant cost (INR)Cost of Plants (INR)
1.5m x 1.5m16901016900
2m x 2m12001012000
3m x 3m484104840
4m x 2m (inter-cropping)600106000

When you are mixed cropping with Safeda plantation, a spacing of 4m x 2m, 6m x 1.5m or 8m x 1m shall be used.

Usually, a spacing scheme of 2m x 2m is used when intercropping is not used.

Assuming a spacing scheme of 2m x 2m is used, the cost of manure, pesticides and fertilizer will average to 15000 INR.

Rates of the tree depend on the thickness of the tree along with off and on season also. Younger trees of the age 4 to 5 years are sold on the basis of per quintal wood extracted, and mature trees of the age 9 to 10 years are sold on the basis of per tree.

  • Assuming the price of wood of 4 to 5 years old Safeda tree to be 4500 rupees / metric ton, and also assuming the total yield of wood from one 4- to 5-year-old tree to be 0.25 metric ton, lets calculate revenue generated by selling 1200 trees.

1200 x 0.25 = 300 tons

300 x 4500 = 1350000 (13 Lakh 50 Thousand Rupees)

  • Now let’s look at 9 – 10-year-old tree price and revenue generated. Assuming a price of 2100 rupees per tree

1200 x 2100 = 2520000 (25 Lakh 20 Thousand Rupees)

*The rates and costing will differ depending on the location, season and the availability. Please do not take these numbers as an exact representation of economics associated with the Safeda/ Eucalyptus farming business

Labor cost, price of the pump, agricultural equipment, irrigation process used and soil preparation cost has not been included in the article as it may vary from state to state and the market situation. A total cost of 1.5 Lakh Indian rupees to 2 Lakh Indian rupees per acre shall be considered as total setup cost for the Safeda farming business.

Climate required for Safeda tree farming / eucalyptus farming

You can plant Safeda tree in any climate, but these trees should be planted where there is good irrigation system or decent water supply .

  • Safeda tree can tolerate decent high temperatures. It can be grown in any climate with a temperature ranging from 0 – 45 degree Celsius
  • Rain falls requirement for safeda tree varies depending on its species. The rainfall requirement of farming Safeda tree ranges from 500 – 3000 mm

All these parameters are supposed to be kept in mind before deciding to start agriculture of Safeda.

Best Soil for Safeda Farming / eucalyptus farming

Loamy soil (clay and sand containing humus) is considered the best soil for Safeda farming. But it can also grow in all kinds of soil. The choice of soil can also depend on the variety of Safeda tree chosen for farming. Some of the features of suitable soils for farming of Safeda are listed below:

  • Some of the species can grow in Acidic soil. Study the variety you wish to grow before planting of Safeda tree framing
  • Well drained
  • Deep
  • Rich in organic content
  • Alkali soil and Saline soil are not suitable for Safeda tree cultivation

A Must read : Types of soils and their nutrient content

Best time to sow Safeda plants

Few things to keep in mind before starting the sowing the Safeda plant are listed below:

  • Preferable sowing temperature is 25-35 degree Celsius
  • Time from May to February is good for sowing
  • Beginning of monsoon is a good time for sowing of Safeda tree
  • In case of water lacking lands, make sure to have proper dependable irrigation as Safeda tree needs decent amount of water for good growth
  • It is a drought resistant tree. But it also brings in some complications if water is not provided to the tree. We will discuss this in the coming section of irrigation of Safeda trees

A Must Read: What is bio fertilizer and its types

Sowing of Safeda Tree

  • A plane levelled lane with good water draining properties is needed for Safeda tree farming. Land can be sloppy also but has to be levelled before to avoid any kind of water stagnation
  • The land should be tilled at least two times
  • If you plan to do multicropping, space the trees accordingly
  • If you plan to multicrop, then keep the distance between the plants 4m x 2m, 6m x 1.5m or 8m x 1m
  • A distance of 2m x 2m can be maintained if you don’t intend to multicrop on the same land. It is the most common spacing scheme used in Safeda tree farming.
  • For every Safeda plant sowing, dig a pit of 45 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm or 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm
  • Transplanting is the sowing method
  • Irrigate it immediately after sowing
  • Apply of neem-based termite prevention solution
  • Application of 250gm Vermicompost and 50gm Phosphate to every seddling pit is also advisable
  • Safeda tree needs full sun exposure for good growth. But there are certain species of Safeda tree which can grow in partial sunlight too. Before choosing the variety, make sure of the sun light conditions in your preferred land for farming
  • It can also be planted around your already existing crop field

Irrigation needed for Safeda Farm

  • Irrigation except for monsoon season is needed for Safeda tree
  • Even though Safeda tree is drought resistant, if not watered in time, its roots hav a tendency of digging deep into the ground up to 30 feet or more. This ends up utilising the ground water which inturn can affect the growth of other plantations in the vicinity. So only plant this tree where there is decent monsoon and proper irrigation available
  • Summer season irrigation is a must
  • It might need a little bit of irrigation in winters too.
  • Always be prepared for irrigation in case monsoon comes late or lack of monsoon
  • Proper draining of soil is required in case of flooding or heavy rain

Maintain and take care of Safeda plantation

  • Safeda tree don’t handle phosphorus well. In case you plan to use any fertilizer, which is not mostly recommended, avoid any phosphorus supplements
  • Hand weed control can be done twice or thrice every year.
  • 50gm NPK fertilizer shall be applied to the plant in the first year. In the second year, 17:17:17 or 50gm NPK fertilizer shall be applied to every plant. In the subsequent third and fourth year, 80gm and 150gm of NPK fertilizer per plant is advisable.
  • Urea can also be used for the plantation. In the first year 20gm, second year 30gm, and third year 100gm of urea can be given to evert Safeda tree
  • Annual pruning is a must for controlling the top height and best growth
  • Pruning can be done after 2 years of age of the Safeda tree
  • Thinning of the Safeda cultivation should be done in case of week seedlings and plants and ensuring consistency of the crop yield for straightness of the wood and size of the wood
  • The bark of Safeda tree is flammable. So, planning the plantation accordingly is required

A must read : Types of fertilizers and their uses

What diseases occur in Safeda tree

  • Butt rot or Root rot: Phellinus, Rigidoporus and Ganoderma fungus are the main cause of root rot. It rots the tree from roots and the core. Young plants are trees are highly susceptible to this disease
  • Heart rot: Mainly rotting the core of trunk and branches.  Hard to identify from outside. Tree should be pruned properly for good water drainage from the tree. Old trees are highly susceptible to this disease
  • Powdery mildew: White powdery residue on top of the leaves and stem is a good identifier of this disease. This disease leads to defoliation. High nitrogen content fertilizer should be avoided. Fungicides can be used to avoid this disease
  • Termite: Saplings and young plants are very highly susceptible to termites. Neem based solution, Nimbicides, can be applied to plants to avoid termite. Add 2ml of Nimbicides in 1 litre of water and apply it to the plants
  • Stem Cranker: this happens when fungus invades the stem of the tree. Splitting of the tree trunk is seen. The tree starts defoliation. The branches of the tree might start falling and the leaves will turn slight yellow in colon. Fungicide like Bordeaux can be applied to the roots to control this disease.
  •  Gall: A disease happening mostly due to egg laying pests or leaf feeding pests. Remove the diseased leaf or choose a variety of tree which is gall resistant.

Intercropping / multicropping be with Safeda plantation

  • Safeda plantation can also be used for multicropping or intercropping
  • In the first two years of the plantation, multicropping can be done
  • Water stagnation crops like paddy can not intercropped with Safeda tree
  • Any crop which can grow in shade is a good option to multicrop with Safeda tree
  • Medicinal crops like ginger or turmeric are a very good option for intercropping
  • Avoid crop which leads to stagnation of water
  • Papaya and Berseem are also a good option for Eucalyptus intercropping

Harvesting of Safeda tree

  • 8-year aged Safeda tree is considered to be good for harvesting. By this time the tree is 40-65 feet tall, and the diameter is 40-50 inches.
  • The amount of Hardwood yield depends on farming practices, age of the tree and the variety used.

A Must read : Indian measurement units for agriculture land

Final words

The cultivation of Safeda/ Eucalyptus tree has seen a considerable growth in India. There are many uses of its wood, leaves and bark. And because of its multiple uses, the demand of the tree never goes down. Even government has devised loans and subsidies for Safeda/ Eucalyptus tree farming.

Though cultivation of Safeda tree is a profitable business, and requires comparatively less time to yield profits than Sagwan / teakwood tree farming.

I hope this article was able to answer many of your questions. Please feel free to comment your thoughts. Any suggestion or advise will be highly appreciated. Also, kindly do post any questions which are still unanswered. I would be happy to assist.

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