Tree of a Thousand Stars
(Serissa foetida)
Country of Origin : South-east Asia
Bonsai Styles : Formal upright, informal upright, multi-trunk, slanting, semi-cascade, cascade
Zone : 9 – 10
Serissa foetida tree (also known as Serissa japonica, Japanese boxthorn and snowrose) has tiny delicate glossy leaves borne on wiry stems, gnarled bark that quickly fissures and becomes gnarled, and an inclination to produce masses of minute, white, trumpet-shaped flowers throughout the summer. With all these characteristics, the Serissa bonsai tree makes a brilliant bonsai specimen.
During all seasons, its white colored flowers appear in flushes with five narrow petals that contrast well with the dark green leaves. The appearance the flower studded foliage gives, when viewed in dust, gave it its local name i.e. ‘Tree of a Thousand Stars‘.
‘Foetida‘ is a latin word which means ‘bad smell‘. The trunk and roots produce a foul smell in wet conditions and when they are crushed. However, the bad smell will be hardly noticeable when grown as a bonsai (at the time of repotting you will notice it though).
This tree is a small evergreen shrub and has a low spreading growth habit. However, with the right wire training, the bonsai can be created with a strong trunk.
To achieve the maximum effect of flowers from young Serissa bonsai trees, these young plants are planted in multi-trunked bonsai styles or group plantings.
The serissa is one of the most popular bonsai species and is an ideal choice for beginners since it grows so vigorously.
This plant can be grown as a bonsai indoors in temperate climates.

The Serissa plant is a bushy, sprawling specimen that does not have a thick trunk in nature. Bonsai trees also have a difficult time creating a strong trunk.
In many cases, the growers will expose considerable lengths of root that are squeezed tightly together in order to make the trunk appear taller. Over many years of healthy growth, these roots will converge into a strong trunk base.
Best location to keep Serissa Bonsai
It is a tender plant that needs bright, warm, humid conditions.
As long as the temperature is above 72°F (22°C), they can be kept outside and in full sunlight during summer.
During the summer, indoor serissa bonsai trees can be kept on a bright windowsill.
Even though serissa trees can withstand a temperature of 45°F (7°C) for short periods, if they are left in the cold too long they will drop their leaves and branches will die back.
Although serissas are able to recover from a range of shocks such as cold drafts, short periods of dried soil and so on, you should keep them away from temperatures below 54°F (12°C).
In winter, keep it in a temperature range of 54-66°F (12-18°C). Don’t worry if some foliage loss occurs during this time.
Ideally, the temperature should not fall below 68°F (20°C) throughout the year.
Keep it protected from cold winds.
Refer sunlight requirements for indoor plants for more indoor gardening ideas. Also, refer to do bonsai trees need sunlight for more indoor and outdoor bonsai location ideas.
Propagation of Serissa
Serissa tree can be propagated by using softwood cuttings in summer and spring.
Watering Serissa Bonsai
The Serissa plant is extremely thirsty. Water regularly throughout the growing season. Bonsai soil should not be allowed to dry out.
Maintain a moist rootball at all times, watering more often in summer (when the plant is in growing stage).
You can also try maintaining constant moisture in the soil during full growth by standing in a tray of water. Remove the tray during the winter months.
Reduce the frequency of watering in fall and winter. In winter when day length is short, keep the soil relatively dry.
Use room temperature water.
Spray some mist on the foliage to keep a humid environment. Don’t mist when the tree is flowering. Misting will damage and discolor the petals.
Read watering bonsai tree for more details about immersion technique.
Wiring Serissa Bonsai
The Serissas accept wiring well, but make sure that only the woody branches are wired.
If the branches are soft, do not wire them.
In the summer and early fall, the wire can be applied, and if needed, the process can be repeated the following year.
Wires should not be left on the tree for more than one year.
Pruning Serissa Bonsai
When to prune Serissa bonsai?
How to prune Serissa bonsai?
Plants should be pruned during the growing season to keep them in the desired shape, however be sure not to remove too many of the stems since new growth is where the flowers will appear.
As a result of pruning in summer, masses of vigorous shoots will appear at many points near the cut.
To avoid excessive adventitious shoots, thin out overcrowded areas when growth is at its slowest.

You can clip the foliage clouds to shape as needed because the leaves are borne at very short intervals on the shoots.
It is good discipline to cut each shoot separately and an excellent way to become familiar with your tree.
To allow air and light into the structure, old, crowded twigs can be pruned at any time.
Pinching Serissa Bonsai
Serissa bonsai tree is not pinched with fingers.
To shape the foliage clouds, use nail scissors. Do not cut through the leaves, as this will discolor them.
Repotting Serissa Bonsai
When to repot Serissa bonsai?
Serissa bonsai tree can be repotted every 2-3 years in early spring. However, only do it when you see the plant growing in good speed. If the growth is not that vigorous, you can avoid repotting and do it next year.
Roots and lower trunk will produce an unpleasant smell when you take out the plant from its pot.
After repotting, cut away new shoots down to one or two pairs of leaves.
You can use a basic free-draining, lime free bonsai soil mix.
You can also use a soil mix consisting of 20% grit and 80% organic matter.
You can also make a soil mix loam, sharp sand and peat (or compost) in the ration of 1:1:1.
Must Read: Bonsai Soil Recipes
Must read : Choosing the right bonsai container
Feeding Serissa Bonsai
Apply a balanced feed once every 2 weeks in the growing season.
Balanced fertilizer when in growth. In winter, apply a low nitrogen feed if the plant is still growing slowly.
Do not apply any feed when the growth has stopped.
You should not feed the plant immediately after repotting.
Read more about bonsai fertilizer and its application.
Diseases and pest of Serissa Bonsai
Aphids, scale insects and spider mites can pose some problems for the plant. Be proactive by spraying regularly. If you notice an infestation, spray with an insecticide.
A tree grown in a poorly ventilated room will develop powdery mildew. Keep the bonsai container in hygienic and ventilated place.
Serissa bonsai care
Serissa tree likes moisture in the soil and in a humid atmosphere, but if the flowers remain damp for too long, they may not last as long.
If you decide to spray the flowers, do not wet them too much, and keep the plant in good air circulation so that the flowers dry quickly.
Don’t give up if your first bonsai dies, as Serissa trees are temperamental plants.
What to look for when buying Serissa Bonsai
Good Serissa bonsai tree specimens are a little rare to come by and are expensive. Finding one with a good trunk structure is going to take some time. Or you will have to invest a good amount of time to develop it from a young plant.
In case you want to avoid the hassle of creating a bonsai with an interesting trunk structure, you can always opt for group planting or multi-trunk bonsai style. In these styles, there is no need for a single prominent trunk.