Chinese water chestnuts are not technically a nut ( as the name suggests), but are aquatic roots or tubers.
There are several kinds of water chestnuts, but by and large, they are reed-like plants with small, flattened corms or bulbs. When they mature, the leaf stalk starts drying and the bulb starts developing dark brown outer layer.
Chinese water chestnuts have a white flesh which has a texture similar to that of an apple. Chinese water chestnuts have a slightly tart, nutty and sweet flavor.
Generally, average diameter of Chinese water chestnut is 4 cm (1.5 inches). Average height of a chinese water chestnut is 2-3 cm (around 1 inch).
Scientific name of Chinese Water Chestnut
Eleocharis Dulcis
Other names of Chinese Water Chestnut
- Singhara
- Water Caltrop
- Waternut
- Bullnut
- Batnut
- Hon Matai
Nutrition facts of Chinese Water Chestnut
*Serving size = 100 grams = 3.55 Ounces = 1/2 cup
*DV= % Daily Value (%DV indicates how much nutrients contribute to a person’s daily diet from a serving of a food. DV assists you in determining whether or not a serving of food is high or low in a particular nutrient.)
Nutrient | Amount | Unit | DV |
Calories | 97 | KCAL | |
Fat | 0.1 | GRAM | 0% |
Protein | 1.4 | GRAM | 3% |
Carbohydrate | 23.94 | GRAM | 9% |
Fiber | 3 | GRAM | 11% |
Calories by source in Chinese Water Chestnut:
- Calories by carbohydrate in Chinese Water Chestnut = 94%
- Calories by fat in Chinese Water Chestnut = 1%
- Calories by protein in Chinese Water Chestnut = 5%
Fats and Fatty Acid profile of Chinese Water Chestnut:
- Polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) in Chinese Water Chestnut = 35%
- Saturated fat (SFA) in Chinese Water Chestnut = 29%
- Monounsaturated fat (MUFA) in Chinese Water Chestnut = 36%
Detailed vitamin profile of Chinese Water Chestnut, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, Folate, Niacin, Thiamin, and Riboflavin is shown in the chart at the end of the article.
Detailed mineral profile of Chinese Water Chestnut, Sodium(Na), Calcium(Ca), Copper(Cu), Iron(Fe), Magnesium(Mg), Selenium(Se), Phosphorus(P), Potassium(K) and Zinc(Zn) is shown the chart at the end of the article.
Check freshness in Chinese Water Chestnut
- Select water chestnuts which are rock hard
- Look for a shiny surface when choosing fresh Chinese waterchestnut
- Avoid water chestnuts with bruises on the outer shell
Availability of Chinese Water Chestnut
- Generally Chinese water chestnuts are available round the year
How to store Chinese Water Chestnut
- Unpeeled Chinese water chestnuts can be stored in refrigerator for up-to 2 weeks
- Peeled and cut Chinese water chestnut can be stored in refrigerator for 2-3 days
- keep the pieces of Chinese water chestnut submerged in water to avoid browning
Complete nutrition facts of Chinese Water Chestnut
Click on the link HERE to download high quality, high resolution and print ready PDF version of the Chinese Water Chestnut nutrition chart/infographic.