Colocasia also known as taro leaves, is a staple food in many parts of the world. Leaves of the Taro plant are broad and heart-shaped, medium-to-large in size.
On the surface, the leaves are dark green and smooth, and on the underside, they are light green. The underside of the leaves also contains veins that branch out from the central stem. Variegated veins and stems will both have a purple or red hue.
Taro is best known for its starchy, brown underground tubers. In addition to being tender and nutty, the leaves possess a slightly metallic flavor when cooked.
Do not eat the taro leaf raw as it will cause itchy feeling around the lips and inside the mouth. Taro leaves should be consumed after being cooked properly.
Average taro leaf / colocasia length is about 40 cm (16 inches) and average width of taro leaf / colocasia is about 20 cm (8 inches).
Scientific name of Colocasia / Taro Leaves
Colocasia esculenta
Other names of Colocasia / Taro Leaves
- Taro
- Kalo
- Dasheen
- Madhumbe
- Marope
- Magogoya
- Patra
- Godere
- Elephant-ear
- Cocoyam
- Arbi leaves
- Luau
- Malanga
- Keladi
- Alu
- Taloes
Nutrition facts of Colocasia / Taro Leaves
*Serving size = 100 grams = 3.55 Ounces = 1/2 cup
*DV= % Daily Value (%DV indicates how much nutrients contribute to a person’s daily diet from a serving of a food. DV assists you in determining whether or not a serving of food is high or low in a particular nutrient.)
Nutrient | Amount | Unit | DV |
Calories | 42 | KCAL | |
Fat | 0.74 | GRAM | 1% |
Protein | 4.98 | GRAM | 10% |
Carbohydrate | 6.7 | GRAM | 2% |
Calories by source in Colocasia / Taro Leaves:
- Calories by carbohydrate in Colocasia / Taro Leaves = 57%
- Calories by fat in Colocasia / Taro Leaves = 15%
- Calories by protein in Colocasia / Taro Leaves = 29%
Fats and Fatty Acid profile of Colocasia / Taro Leaves:
- Polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) in Colocasia / Taro Leaves = 59%
- Saturated fat (SFA) in Colocasia / Taro Leaves = 29%
- Monounsaturated fat (MUFA) in Colocasia / Taro Leaves = 12%
Detailed vitamin profile of Colocasia / Taro Leaves, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, Folate, Niacin, Thiamin, and Riboflavin is shown in the chart at the end of the article.
Detailed mineral profile of Colocasia / Taro Leaves, Sodium(Na), Calcium(Ca), Copper(Cu), Iron(Fe), Magnesium(Mg), Selenium(Se), Phosphorus(P), Potassium(K) and Zinc(Zn) is shown the chart at the end of the article.
Check freshness in Colocasia / Taro Leaves
- Select fresh green leaves with intact edges and border
- Select a taro leaf which has got tender stem
- Check the end of the stem, it should not be slimy or sticky
Availability of Colocasia / Taro Leaves
- Colocasia / taro leaves are available round the year
How to store Colocasia / Taro Leaves
- Taro leaves / colocasia can be stored in refrigerator in a ventilated bag for 3-4 days
Complete nutrition facts of Colocasia / Taro Leaves
Click on the link HERE to download high quality, high resolution and print ready PDF version of the Colocasia / Taro Leaves nutrition chart/infographic.