Black beans, also known as turtle beans, are known for their high protein and fiber content. Balck beans are a staple of North American cuisine.
Black beans have a mild sweet flavor profile. When cooked they become soft and buttery textured.
Scientific name of Black Beans
Phaseolus vulgaris
Other names of Black Beans
- Turtle beans
- Caviar criollo
- Frijoles negros
- Black turtle bean
Nutrition facts of Black Beans
*Serving size = 100 grams = 3.55 Ounces = 1/2 cup
*DV= % Daily Value (%DV indicates how much nutrients contribute to a person’s daily diet from a serving of a food. DV assists you in determining whether or not a serving of food is high or low in a particular nutrient.)
Nutrient | Amount | Unit | DV |
Calories | 341 | KCAL | |
Fat | 1.42 | GRAM | 2% |
Protein | 21.6 | GRAM | 43% |
Carbohydrate | 62.36 | GRAM | 23% |
Calories by source in Black Beans:
- Calories by carbohydrate in Black Beans = 47%
- Calories by fat in Black Beans = 34%
- Calories by protein in Black Beans = 19%
Fats and Fatty Acid profile of Black Beans:
- Polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) in Black Beans = 43%
- Saturated fat (SF) in Black Beans = 15%
- Monounsaturated fat (MUFA) in Black Beans = 42%
Detailed vitamin profile of Black Beans, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, Folate, Niacin, Thiamin, and Riboflavin is shown in the chart at the end of the article.
Detailed mineral profile of Black Beans, Sodium(Na), Calcium(Ca), Copper(Cu), Iron(Fe), Magnesium(Mg), Selenium(Se), Phosphorus(P), Potassium(K) and Zinc(Zn) is shown the chart at the end of the article.
Check freshness in Black Beans
- Black beans are mostly sold in packaged dried state
Availability of Black Beans
- Dried black beans are available round the year
How to store Black Beans
- Dried black beans can be stored in cool and dry place for years
- Cooked black bean can be refrigerated in fridge for 3-5 days.
Complete nutrition facts of Black Beans
Click on the link HERE to download high quality, high resolution and print ready PDF version of the Black Beans nutrition chart/infographic.