A red bell pepper is a medium- to large-sized fruit that measures 5-8 centimeters in diameter and 5-12 centimeters in length. It has a rounded, square, and blocky appearance with 3-4 lobes and a thick green stem.
It has a smooth, glossy, and bright red skin, and the flesh is thick, juicy, crisp, and succulent underneath. The central cavity also contains small, flat, cream-colored seeds and a thin, spongy membrane of white to pale red color. They are sweet with a fruity flavor, and they have an aqueous crunch.
Red bell peppers are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, manganese, fiber, folate, and thiamine, as well as vitamins E, K, and B6. Moreover, they contain lycopene, an antioxidant that is known to protect the body and combat free radicals.
The red bell pepper is the mature fruit of a plant that can grow either as an annual or perennial. In the United States, red bell peppers are one of the most popular sweet peppers, also known as Capsicum and Paprika in Europe.
Red bell peppers are available in many different varieties, and many of these varieties are also green bell peppers since green peppers are the immature versions of mature red peppers.
Scientific name of Red Pepper / Red Capsicum
Capsicum Annuum
Other names of Red Pepper / Red Capsicum
- Red Bell Pepper
- Red Sweet Pepper
- Red capsicum
- Shimla mirch
Nutrition facts of Red Pepper / Red Capsicum
*Serving size = 100 grams = 3.55 Ounces = 1/2 cup
*DV= % Daily Value (%DV indicates how much nutrients contribute to a person’s daily diet from a serving of a food. DV assists you in determining whether or not a serving of food is high or low in a particular nutrient.)
Nutrient | Amount | Unit | DV |
Calories | 26 | KCAL | |
Fat | 0.3 | GRAM | 0% |
Protein | 0.99 | GRAM | 2% |
Carbohydrate | 6.03 | GRAM | 2% |
Fiber | 2.1 | GRAM | 8% |
Calories by source in Red Pepper / Red Capsicum:
- Calories by carbohydrate in Red Pepper / Red Capsicum = 77%
- Calories by fat in Red Pepper / Red Capsicum = 9%
- Calories by protein in Red Pepper / Red Capsicum = 14%
Fats and Fatty Acid profile of Red Pepper / Red Capsicum:
- Polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) in Red Pepper / Red Capsicum = 70%
- Saturated fat (SFA) in Red Pepper / Red Capsicum = 27%
- Monounsaturated fat (MUFA) in Red Pepper / Red Capsicum = 3%
Detailed vitamin profile of Red Pepper / Red Capsicum, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, Folate, Niacin, Thiamin, and Riboflavin is shown in the chart at the end of the article.
Detailed mineral profile of Red Pepper / Red Capsicum, Sodium(Na), Calcium(Ca), Copper(Cu), Iron(Fe), Magnesium(Mg), Selenium(Se), Phosphorus(P), Potassium(K) and Zinc(Zn) is shown the chart at the end of the article.
Availability of Red Pepper / Red Capsicum
Red pepper is available round the year
Complete nutrition facts of Red Pepper / Red Capsicum
Click on the link HERE to download high quality, high resolution and print ready PDF version of the Red Pepper / Red Capsicum nutrition chart/infographic.