U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service reports that in marketing year 2020/21 (from October to September), Australia exported 125,000 metric tons of fresh table grapes, a 21% decrease from the previous year.
Asia is the main overseas market for Australian table grapes. In the 10 years between MY 2010/11 and MY 2019/20, Australian table grape exports to Asia increased by 410%, from 29,900 metric tons to 152,500 metric tons. About 20,000 metric tons of exports to China were reduced in MY 2020/21, which mostly accounts for the substantial drop in exports for that year.
Furthermore, China’s total imports of table grapes fell 19% from MY 2020/21. Chilean and Australian imports fell 29% and 22%, respectively, during this period, two of China’s three main table grape suppliers. In the current marketing year, only imports from Peru remained essentially the same as last year.
Currently, 97% of Australia’s table grape exports go by sea, with only a small proportion reaching premium markets by air. Improvements in maritime logistics will lead to shipping grapes overseas in the coming years. As a result of rising freight costs, delays in shipping worldwide, and shortages of refrigerated containers, Australian grape exports were hindered in MY 2020/21.
While harvesting the MY 2020/21 crop, tighter entry and exit policies led to significant labor shortages. In an effort to handle the grapes as quickly as possible, growers prioritized picking the highest quality grapes and those that would yield the highest returns. The season will continue to be uncertain due to these factors.
Australia has doubled its table grape production in the last 10 years due to strong overseas demand. Based on the USDA report, production and exports of table grapes are forecast to be 210,000 and 130,000 metric tons, respectively in MY 2021/22, corresponding to 5% and 8% increases, respectively.
Australia’s growers have increasingly planted proprietary varieties or export-oriented ones, taking into consideration Chinese consumers’ preferences for seedless grapes and novel flavors.