Home » Peru: New CEO appointed at Camposol
Peru: New CEO appointed at Camposol

Peru: New CEO appointed at Camposol

As of September 21, José Antonio Gómez Bazán took over as CEO of the Peru based multinational produce company Camposol.

Management Team - Camposol

Camposol’s International Division had previously appointed González Bazán as its commercial director.

Samuel Dyer Coriat has served as executive chairman while the board of directors searched for a new CEO; he will stay on as chairman.

Gómez Bazán has been in the international food industry for over 20 years. He has led the transformation of Camposol into a branded fresh and healthy food multinational company in the last decade.

At Chiquita Brands International, he held various senior management positions.

In addition to serving as director of the World Avocado Organization, Gomez Bazán serves as a board member of the United Fresh Produce Association and vice-chair in the Peruvian Avocado Commission.

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