In the first seven months of 2021, fresh fruit and vegetable imports to Spain have continued to increase. These new figures are based on those from the department of customs and taxes, which Fepex processed.
In the January-July period, import values and volumes of fresh produce increased by 8 per cent (€1.977 billion) and 5 per cent (2.1m tonnes) respectively.
The volume of imported vegetables grew by 5% to 936,725 tonnes, but value dropped by 3% to 523 million euros.
There was a 17 per cent decline in potato sales to €138m, which contributed to the decrease in value. The volume of potatoes has actually increased to 539,624 tonnes, up 6 per cent.
There was an 8 per cent increase in the value of fruit at €1.45bn, and a 9.6 per cent growth in the volume at 1.1m tonnes.
Fepex declared that the following fruits saw an increase in import growth:Bananas with 208,091 tonnes (+12%) and €113 million (+8.5%)Avocados with 119,206 tonnes (+31%) and €241 million (+31%)Apples at 119,723 tonnes (+13%) and €105 million (+13%)
FEPX reported significant import increases in watermelons, pineapples, and kiwifruits.