Tomatoes are botanically a fruit (berry), but may people consider tomatoes as a vegetable. Its bright red, smooth, and thick skin encloses meaty flesh with few edible seeds.
Tomato’s flesh is red, aqueous, and soft. The flavor profile of tomato is sweet with a small hint of acidic sourness.
Scientific name of Tomato
Solanum Lycopersicum
Other names of Tomato
- Love Apple
- Tamatar
- Tomate
- Raktamaci
- Pomme d’amour
- Pomodoro
Nutrition facts of Tomato
*Serving size = 100 grams = 3.55 Ounces = 1/2 cup
*DV= % Daily Value (%DV indicates how much nutrients contribute to a person’s daily diet from a serving of a food. DV assists you in determining whether or not a serving of food is high or low in a particular nutrient.)
Nutrient | Amount | Unit | DV |
Calories | 18 | KCAL | |
Fat | 0.2 | GRAM | 0% |
Protein | 0.88 | GRAM | 2% |
Carbohydrate | 3.89 | GRAM | 1% |
Calories by source in Tomato:
- Calories by carbohydrate in Tomato = 73%
- Calories by fat in Tomato = 9%
- Calories by protein in Tomato = 18%
Fats and Fatty Acid profile of Tomato:
- Polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) in Tomato = 58%
- Saturated fat (SFA) in Tomato = 20%
- Monounsaturated fat (MUFA) in Tomato = 22%
Detailed vitamin profile of Tomato, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, Folate, Niacin, Thiamin, and Riboflavin is shown in the chart at the end of the article.
Detailed mineral profile of Tomato, Sodium(Na), Calcium(Ca), Copper(Cu), Iron(Fe), Magnesium(Mg), Selenium(Se), Phosphorus(P), Potassium(K) and Zinc(Zn) is shown the chart at the end of the article.
Check freshness in Tomato
- Avoid any tomato with light or dark brown spotting or dents
- Should not be squishy. Should be dense and heavy for its size
- Should have shine and feel slippery to the touch and not sticky
- Unripe tomatoes will have greenish hue around the stem area
Availability of Tomato
- Tomatoes are available round the year
How to store Tomato
- Tomatoes can be stored at room temperature for 4-5 days.
- Avoid direct sunlight and heat while storing tomatoes at room temperature
- Do not refrigerate unripe tomatoes
- Ripe tomatoes can be stored in crisper section of the refrigerator for 10-14 days
Complete nutrition facts of Tomato
Click on the link HERE to download high quality, high resolution and print ready PDF version of the Tomato nutrition chart/infographic.