Home » Uzbekistan: 50% of transport cost to be compensated for exporters
Uzbekistan: 50% of transport cost to be compensated for exporters

Uzbekistan: 50% of transport cost to be compensated for exporters

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Government has decided to reimburse part of the transport costs incurred by companies exporting their products to markets outside the countries which do not have a direct connection with the Uzbekistan border. report here

Last year, the Uzbek government decided to reimburse exporters up to 50% of their transport costs. A regulation for the reimbursement of transportation costs when products are exported by road, air, and rail was approved by the end of 2020 at the expense of the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Amounts as high as 50% of transportation costs for exported products can be reimbursed to exporting enterprises and / or their authorized representatives under this document.

Exporters can receive up to 50% of the transportation costs of their exported goods from the state, according to a government decree approved on October 4, 2021. To qualify, exporters must meet the following conditions:

  • It is required that exporters be registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • goods should be made in the country;
  • In the absence of Afghanistan and other cases stipulated by law in Uzbekistan, the cost of transportation to non-bordering countries will be reimbursed;
  • Goods must be designated for export, except for postal items valued at less than $5,000;
  • Under the export contract, the exporter must pay for the transport costs of delivering the goods.

The agency will accept applications and documents by mail, in person or electronically via its website. Compensation is granted at the discretion of the competent authority. The application is free of charge.

Compensation could be refused in this situation for the following reasons:

  • It is impossible to establish requirements based on the submitted documents;
  • When documents contain inaccurate, unreliable information or information is distorted;
  • when subsidy allocations for the year have run out.

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