As greenhouse tomatoes are in short supply on the Russian market, local factories are able to raise prices. In Russia, greenhouse tomato prices have continued to rise for the third week in a row.
Currently, greenhouse tomatoes are selling for 100-150 rubles ($ 1.39-2.09 / kg), which represents an average price increase of 11% over the last working week.
Currently, greenhouse tomatoes are in short supply and in unstable supply from local plants. So, a number of farms have already announced they have sold their previous turnover’s products. As a result of the cold snap, the ripening of tomatoes slowed considerably in the other stationary greenhouses, and supplies stopped from the greenhouse as well. A lack of supplies of greenhouse vegetables in the local area cannot be compensated for by importing vegetables.
The price of greenhouse tomatoes in the Russian Federation is now, as a result of today’s price rise, 2.3 times higher on average than in the first half of October 2020. Additionally, the producers are planning to increase the price of greenhouse tomatoes, assuming the current sales rates do not change, citing the limited supply of greenhouse tomatoes.