Global persimmon exports increased by 11% in physical terms, to 637 thousand tons, and by 17% in monetary terms, to $ 695 million.
IndexBox released its latest report on Persimmons: “World – Persimmons – Market Analysis, Forecast, Size, Trends and Insights”.
Persimmons were the main exports of Spain with 211 thousand tons, Azerbaijan with 126 thousand tons, China with 108 thousand tons, and Uzbekistan with 97 thousand tons, making up an aggregate market share of 85% of total export volumes. Lithuania followed with 14 thousand tons, Poland with 12 thousand tons, and Georgia with 11 thousand tons, which represents 5.7% of total world exports.
Spanish exports ($ 234 million), Chinese exports ($ 206 million), and Azeri exports ($ 92 million) accounted for 77% of the total world supply of persimmons, in monetary value.
The fastest-growing export value in 2020 is in China (+62.1% pa) and Uzbekistan (+48.7% pa).
As of 2020, the average export price of persimmons was $ 1,091 per tonne, up 6.4% from the previous year. In terms of persimmon export price, China ($ 1909 per tonne) had the highest price, whereas Uzbekistan ($ 499 per tonne) had the lowest.